Wednesday, 25 September 2013


Gone are the days…

when waking up in the morning was only to meet friends
when getting ready was only to flaunt new clothes
when drinking meant to have a cup of milk 
when birthday parties meant a packet of wafers
when work meant only homework
when festivals were only to enjoy the colors and crackers
when vacations were to visit the grandparents
when eating candies late night were considered a sin
when the only outings were staying out few minutes after school
when being awake till 11 pm was a great deal
when friends meant everything
when the only tension of life was tension of losing the favorite game.

"There is nothing as memorable as the days that bring along them the vibes of happiness..!!! "

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


In today's world where people are scared to display their emotions and live a truthful live… all you find yourself is being surrounded by fakeness.
No one cares for anybody's emotions cause all that matters is what you are getting in return and this does disturb the heck out of a life.
So.. Why display your emotions when all that matters is only your attitude.
The most happiest person is the one who gives a damn about anybody and only is concerned about his life.. his success.
Some may say that you need to be fake in order to deal with fakeness around you but DO YOU REALLY HAVE AN OPTION. 
You give your whole soul love and care to someone and all they are concerned is what you did for them in a materialistic way. GREAT.

So.. Just love yourself.. Love your surroundings.. Love nature…. and you will get going in this WORLD OF FAKENESS….!!!