Sometimes in life we face the confusion as to which path to follow. We get influenced by people and their thoughts make us doubt on our beliefs of life. But is this permanent? Are we really changing by what people show us? Or is our own roadmap of life the correct one for us.
Well all this depends on how early we disillusion ourself, on how early we accept the fact that its our own nature and beliefs that make us what we are in real.
The change in human nature is the ultimate result of influence which is only temporary. This change may seem a major alteration in the road maps of life but in real these changes are just the part of disillusions that occur to make us more strong on our beliefs. These are just big stones that help us set milestones for us and a major part of self-growth. It helps us mostly to know ourself and set our priorities and also to make a set of guidelines or a manual of things that we chose to walk in life with.
Now the question that arises is should we not get influenced by people? If we chose to then surely we lose a part of ourself and if chose not to then we may detach ourself from the best changes for us. So, to help ourself we need to experiment. We need to try it out but make ourself flexible enough so that if it seems to be giving bad results then we are able to come back into the original part of us (it may take a bit of time though but its worth it).
Mark my words when you get back to yourself its gonna be more fun filled feeling. You'll feel more wise, more secure, more mature and part of you will sit in the corner having your favorite slush or the best cup of coffee. It is going to give you the feeling of being awesome if not perfect and your life will surely invite more of adventure, more of awesomeness and itself attract a lot of positive energy.
Life is about changes. Life is about experiments. Life is about Realizations.
PS: This is a short report on my personal realization that i sought from my own experiment.