Friday 7 February 2014

Its Only about Realization...!!!

Often we come to realize that things are not coming in the way we want them to be and feel depressed at the thought of it. We always are in a state of mind where we wish our past to be different and always wish for some things to happen in future. But life is what we live now. Its far beyond the dilemma of past and future. Its all about just today. We need to accept the past and also embrace the future with whatever it brings on us. The person we are today is just because of what we have seen and gone through in the past. Things are never to make us suffer, instead they redirect us to something far better than we can even think of at that particular moment.
Its never the end but its always about the path and journey to reach that end that needs to be cherished and believe me when you do look at your past, you will surely realize that everything that happened was to redirect you to something better.