Sunday 1 February 2015

Life is about Adventure...!!!

I see many people complaining about life being tough.
People often see difficulties as pain. They never see the positive side of it.
Its becomes very hard to do something out of the box and move out of your comfort zone. We all tend to play safe. "Why Risk" is what we all generally feel.
But will life be fun without risk, without adventure. Would it be worth if life would have been easy. If there would have been nothing to fight for, nothing to achieve, nothing to dream about. I personally feel Life would have been really boring if things would have been simple.
I just love when I do something beyond what I expected. I feel satisfied when I achieve my goals. I feel happy when I do things that I never thought I would be able to do.
Life is fun only when we deal with the problems. The adventure makes us alive.
Live Life.. Love Life...!!!


  1. I guess it's the call of youth that instigates us to venture into wilderness and joyful realization. Youth is a very healthy time to make mistakes and to gain wisdom out of our ever rising curiosities.
    I am waiting for a reunion when you and all of us are here again to celebrate the time of our lives.
    It has been great reading your blogs after so long a while.
    Please, please, please keep writing.
    Miss you ever more.

    1. It indeed is the call of youth. But it depends alot on what we feel and how we react to situations. Our thoughts and thinking effects this to a great extent.
