Saturday 14 November 2015

No Excuses.. Only Results...!!!

Results are the outcome of hardwork and excuses are a outcome of procrastination.
To push yourself harder and reach the heights is something that comes from determination, will power and a lot of hardwork. If we keep trying to find ways to avoid it, the only thing we end up is with excuses. A lot of people including me get irritated or pissed off at times when we don't get the results we desire. Sometimes we even try to get away with things and come up with all sort of excuses. But internally we know that what we never tried that hard.
The one giving excuses may not realise that he is harming himself as this soon becomes a habit and this is surely not a good one.
Results or Excuses is what we decide for ourselves. Both cannot be together. One of them is what we chose and deliver.
It's always our choice of what we accept and desire that makes us what we are. 

Thinking about excuses I just came around with this great quote:
“The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.” 
― Jordan Belfort