Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Where fairy tales ends.. real life begins..!!!

Where fairy tales ends.. real life begins..!!!
This is one of the quotes that I truly believe in life. Fairy tales are one thing that mostly all of us have read, heard or seen and sometimes unconsciously we start dreaming of a life that is shown to us in these tales but they misguide us and also works as a heart breaking experience for many of us who are not able to realize the difference between fairy tales and reality.

Life's beautiful if you know how to look at the beauty of it. It may give us pain, pleasure, happiness and sorrows but this is altogether what life is all about. The happy endings in fairy tales is not always as happy as they seem to be and also it leads us into a world of misconceptions about life. Believe me if Life turns out to be fairy tale then we ourselves are gonna be the first ones wanting to be out of it. The ups and downs in life proves that we are still alive and shows us what real life is and also that we are not living in the world of dreams and fairies. After all, all have been bedtime stories and stories for kids.

Tales like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, etc are just imprudent and also don't resemble the real life we live in. Happiness comes and is  always adored and welcomed with open arms and so does sadness and sorrow comes but it may not be welcomed but it does not stop neither can it be ignored or left unfelt. The real happiness can only be experienced after we know how pain and sorrow feels.

Each new day brings with it the new excitement and also a sense of fulfillment if we enjoy it. To live each day to its fullest and get the best of everything is something that is not that easy but surely not that tough as it may seem. Accept the reality and not live the life of fairies is what we need to understand. Things that seem to be the prettiest may not turn out to be alluring.

Real life is more exciting and contending than fairy tales and the faster we understand this, the better it is for us.

The distinction between tales and real life is a must to know and when we get to know it, then believe real life is more appealing to us and the more we live it, the better it becomes.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Two aspects of Life..!!!

Well, today i am here writing about one more of my realizations which i just had some time back and i guess i am gonna make it a stepping stone in my career.
While we are grow up and complete our studies, we all have that one aim to be successful in life, we aim for something good, we aim to have a bright career and get settled with a high salary and a good post, etc etc etc.
But is this really possible at a early stage? Is it possible to be successful in everything you do and get excellent results out of it.? Is it possible to be right always?

We all enter a so called professional life of ours and in a long time run we may get involved with people in more than professional ways and here is the biggest flaw. Here starts the confusion. Here begins a big downfall. You mix your personal and professional life and that though very badly (Something that i made a note of at the initial stage.. DONT MIX THEM, but unfortunately did it too). We are humans and tend to forget things that we think for ourself. This is but obvious that when you have a good relation with someone, you will feel hurt if he/she points you out for something that doesn't seem to be a mistake at a large. Unconsciously you have a hope that these people can give you some sort of security or even may help you at hard times. But believe me.. YOU ARE WRONG.

You are in biggest state of illusion if you have any such thing in your mind and trust me it makes you sick.
You can have any sort of personal relation with anyone but never ever expect that anyone is gonna stand by your side and protect you even if you are dying. Here comes the time when people who become attached to you in more than a professional way will prove that its the PROFESSIONAL WORLD. Your problems are your own. And believe me for one thing that the rules that any organization may have, can change according to the people who have the power.
Never display your feelings, only portray your attitude is the new guru mantra. 
People trust me, things seem perfect when you understand the difference between these two aspects of the same coin. It gets hard and hard it is for me at present just because i mixed them both but now is  high time in life when the two aspects move on smoothly just as they should be. 

Cheers to the new feel.. Cheers to the new realization and cheers to the respect of positions.

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Life is about Experiment...!!!

Sometimes in life we face the confusion as to which path to follow. We get influenced by people and their thoughts make us doubt on our beliefs of life. But is this permanent? Are we really changing by what people show us? Or is our own roadmap of life the correct one for us.
Well all this depends on how early we disillusion ourself, on how early we accept the fact that its our own nature and beliefs that make us what we are in real. 
The change in human nature is the ultimate result of influence which is only temporary. This change may seem a major alteration in the road maps of life but in real these changes are just the part of disillusions that occur to make us more strong on our beliefs. These are just big stones that help us set milestones for us and a major part of self-growth. It helps us mostly to know ourself and set our priorities and also to make a set of guidelines or a manual of things that we chose to walk in life with.

I can better quote it by saying that Its better for us to be ourself because everyone else is already taken and believe me this is well experienced and experimented thing by me personally. You may like being like someone or like to copy someone but this is just gone with the wind. It may buy you happiness for a period of time but in the end its only you and your real nature that defines you and the source of ultimate happiness.
Now the question that arises is should we not get influenced by people? If we chose to then surely we lose a part of ourself and if chose not to then we may detach ourself from the best changes for us. So, to help ourself we need to experiment. We need to try it out but make ourself flexible enough so that if it seems to be giving bad results then we are able to come back into the original part of us (it may take a bit of time though but its worth it). 

Mark my words when you get back to yourself its gonna be more fun filled feeling. You'll feel more wise, more secure, more mature and part of you will sit in the corner having your favorite slush or the best cup of coffee. It is going to give you the feeling of being awesome if not perfect and your life will surely invite more of adventure, more of awesomeness and itself attract a lot of positive energy.

Life is about changes. Life is about experiments. Life is about Realizations.

PS: This is a short report on my personal realization that i sought from my own experiment.

Monday, 25 November 2013

You Are the One For Me..!!!

You are close to me
Close to my heart
Close to my soul..!!
          In my memories
          In my breath
          In my eyes…!!
My Love is what I have to give
My Care is what i have to offer
My Senses is what i have to lose..!!

You are the One for me
For my life… For my soul
In you I see my world..
coz its Only You the One…..!!!

You are my passion
my only compassion
That can make me blossom…!!
          Your presence
          Your smile
          Your touch..!!!
My day starts with you
My day ends with you
My day is lived with you..!!

You are the One for me
For my life… For my soul
In you I see my world..
coz its Only You the One….!!!

Let me Love you
Let me Live you
Let me be drowned in you..!!
         In your arms
         In your breath
         In your touch..!!
My Life gets it means from you
My Heart gets it beats from you
My Soul gets its power from you..!!

You are the One for me
For my life… For my soul
In you I see my world..
coz its Only You the One…..!!!

“There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.” 

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Power of Solitude

Solitude, silence, isolation all these words have different meaning and play a different role in different spheres of life. Sometimes we hate all these, we want company of people and presence of people around us become our priority whereas at some other time we crave for peace.
Solitude is necessary for us to attain the best level of ourselves. To understand ourself we need to understand the power of silence and the magic that it can lead to. The peace of mind can make miracles happen. It can make us discover deep secrets. It reveals the real meaning of life and our living,
A calm and peace mind can only have stable thoughts and clear vision is a must to be an achiever. A person with stability can only deal with the pressure and make correct decisions and be sure about his goals.
A person who confronts the enchanting and spellbinding nature of solitude can experience the pleasure of good company.  When you meet yourself, know your positives and negatives then it becomes much easier to bear with the people around you and know what you are actually looking for.
Solitude is generally misinterpreted with loneliness. They both are two completely different terms. Solitude is pleasant whereas loneliness is painful. Solitude has power to give while loneliness has the power to take. Solitude has the calmness but loneliness is turbulent. Also, it is not easy to differentiate between them when the mind is not stable.

Each one of us at some time feel the urge to experience solitude and believe me (from my personal experience) that it is just amazing. It helps to connect ourselves to higher levels of spirituality and takes away a great deal of distractions with it.
In the end, I would like to describe in just one line
"Solitude is Bliss...!!!"

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Life As I See It...!!!

Years pass, memories retain… both sweet and sour and with all memories we have to live life… sustain happiness and also live through it all. 
Yes, this is all about Life and how i see it..
We all create our road maps in life, our beliefs and our lifestyles and yet at some times we feel that we have been wrong all along. We make changes in our maps and start living again. But as more time passes, there happen to be more changes in our maps and in the end we find that we have complete different map from the actual blueprint we created. This is something that can be both encouraging and devastating.
Life gives us challenges, we need to face them, not run from them. It is what actually makes us strong. Behind what every person thinks and believes is only coz of these challenges and how we mould ourselves after each one of it. As is comically said " If life throws lemons at you then find someone with a vodka and have a great party..!!" But to add to it, don't get use to this vodka.
To make life worth it, all you need is to change our outlook on life. It is on us how we shape the things that life is throwing on us, we let them fall, we hit them back or catch them to make the best out of it.

To let go is a tough task and tougher when we don't understand the positiveness of letting go. There are always instincts that tell when is the time to let go and if we try to procrastinate then surely it is gonna be one thing that will take a lot of time to overcome.
So embrace all that what comes to you in life else it will embrace you and that though very badly.

This is Life as how I see it. Experiences and memories are all the bridge that helps to move along in this mysterious world and its unto us as to how much we explore it.

Friday, 25 October 2013

LOVE- A Purest Feeling

LOVE.. a feeling of being drunk in someone else's wine. 
One of the most happiest thing in a person's life but yet painful and still people search for it.
Everyone one of us at some point of time have been in love or atleast felt that we are in love. But is this really love?
People generally think of infatuation or attraction as love and this so called Love is given a name of a relation. This relation glorifies in the beginning and soon the flair is gone. People get hurt, relations finish and hearts are felt as heartbroken. Is this what love is? Is getting hurt a part of love? Well, the answer is surely NO.

When a person is in love or feels love for someone then it is one of the purest feelings which stays with the person forever.
This is a feeling in which the happiness of someone is all that matters, even if it is the not the other way round. 
This is a feeling of giving for someone with all your might, even if you don't get anything in return.
This is a feeling when only the smile on that person's face can make your heart smile.
Now the question arises, Is love selfish? Is it possible to Love only to give? So, the answer is surely YES.
True love is something that never wants anything except that the other person should be happiest state of mind.
Love is the most amazing feeling in the world and also the hardest to be felt.

Realizing it in my own life, I can conclude by saying- "Reward of every true love is not love… But it surely is a great feel...!! "

Friday, 18 October 2013


Each day i ask myself
Did i love enough?
Did i care enough?
Did i give enough?

Each day i ask myself
Did i smile enough?
Did i enjoy enough?
Did i live enough?

Each day i ask myself
Did i make the best out of my day?
Did i learn the lessons of today?
Did i live it to the fullest?

And each day i find myself answering
That there is more to be done.
More of life to be lived
More of love to be given
More of places to be explored
More of adventures to be done
More of joy to be felt
More of lessons to be learned
More of smile to be smiled

More of everything…!!!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013


Khusboo, a final year student, like all others excited about being graduated but also was tensed about her future. Each day she would come up with new ideas but instantly they would fail without even being implemented. 
Out of the blue, one day she received a call from a company calling her for an interview. The excitement was beyond imagination.
Soon the day of the interview arrived. With butterflies in her stomach she went to the address being given to her. On waiting for an hour, she was finally called. That was the first day she saw him, the day she wont forget. All she felt was good. 
On reaching home that day, she searched for that guy's name on google and finally got his LinkedIn profile. She viewed and kept it in the back of her mind.
Few days passed and she received no calls telling her the results. She lost hope and soon got back to finding new ideas.
Astonishingly few days later, she received a call. It was Him. The same guy she admired on his first looks, telling her that she was selected.
The journey had begun. A journey to her new life.. her professional life and she was all ready to enter this new world.
With a new spirit, she entered the company's office on the DOJ and here he was again in his most professional looks and a personality she soon started admiring more.
Days passed and she was trying to get comfortable in the new environment and also her secret admiration for him kept growing. Admiration that was very much professional and she was inspired by him. With the passing days, she started studying the people in her office and also analyzing them and with this her professional admiration for him turned into personal admiration. She soon wanted to know him, talk to him and understand him but she even knew that it was an impossible dream of hers. She went to the office only to see him and admire him more day in and out.
To her wildest imagination, one day she found herself in his company and that was the day it all started. They talked, laughed, shared ideas, beliefs and with it her admiration grew. Soon she became friends with him, They started going out just to spend time, quality time it was indeed. She was excited and happy but also a fear grew inside her, a fear to get hurt. She was getting close to him, she trusted him but was not sure about his feelings. He constantly confused her about his feelings. She didn't expect anything except that they could just be good friends, friends who can support to each other.
Her admiration for him kept increasing day by day, professionally as well as personally but she couldn't express it in front of him. She cared for his smile, a smile that was very rare but whenever he smiled… she felt for him.
Their friendship grew to a unexplainable level, where they had to ask each other and also their own self "What are they?"
Without any answers, they moved on leaving everything on destiny.
As time passed, the flair of this great relation subsided. The time they spent together reduced. The thoughts they shared were longer exchanged but this didn't hamper her admiration for him. She still admired him.

Today, its his birthday. She is all lost in thoughts. Admiration and friendship all are mixed. She wants to hug him and tell him that she adores and admires him. He is special. Special for her. She can never have him in his life but she will always be his SECRET ADMIRER.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

My Cup of Coffee...!!!

Felt it...
Smelt it...
Brewed it...
Tasted it...
Cherished it..
yeah… this is My Cup of Coffee

With all the pain and sufferings, I could still brew a cup for myself and my loved ones… My cup of coffee is always there to take me away from the dilemmas of this world. One cup can just make you forget it all. Also, it is scientifically proven that coffee can help to improve nerves and it does in my case.
The aroma of coffee beans that i always carry around, the everlasting thirst of a strong coffee and the satisfaction after having it is always worth living.
Far away in the midst of lush green trees and clouds hovering just over you.. that one cup of coffee can do all the magic.
Start your day with a big mug in one hand.. a good book in the another and feel the warmth of nature. 
Ohh I am all lost in my thoughts... 

How much i wish for My Cup of Coffee…!!!

PS: This one is for all those people who I ever shared a Cup of Coffee...!!!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013


Gone are the days…

when waking up in the morning was only to meet friends
when getting ready was only to flaunt new clothes
when drinking meant to have a cup of milk 
when birthday parties meant a packet of wafers
when work meant only homework
when festivals were only to enjoy the colors and crackers
when vacations were to visit the grandparents
when eating candies late night were considered a sin
when the only outings were staying out few minutes after school
when being awake till 11 pm was a great deal
when friends meant everything
when the only tension of life was tension of losing the favorite game.

"There is nothing as memorable as the days that bring along them the vibes of happiness..!!! "

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


In today's world where people are scared to display their emotions and live a truthful live… all you find yourself is being surrounded by fakeness.
No one cares for anybody's emotions cause all that matters is what you are getting in return and this does disturb the heck out of a life.
So.. Why display your emotions when all that matters is only your attitude.
The most happiest person is the one who gives a damn about anybody and only is concerned about his life.. his success.
Some may say that you need to be fake in order to deal with fakeness around you but DO YOU REALLY HAVE AN OPTION. 
You give your whole soul love and care to someone and all they are concerned is what you did for them in a materialistic way. GREAT.

So.. Just love yourself.. Love your surroundings.. Love nature…. and you will get going in this WORLD OF FAKENESS….!!! 

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Pure Realization

Here comes the first time I am writing here...
Many a times in life we realize the fact that some things do happen for a good reason.. But the question that comes to our mind is "WHAT IS THAT GOOD REASON??"
Things and people come in our way... changes us and then make us fall apart.. and all we can do is nothing...
Some day some thing will happen to make all these pieces to fall in place.. till then all we need to do is to gather courage to face it.
Many of the things that happen in life are just to make us strong... to make us realize the actual aim of our life and to follow that one instinct that is coming from somewhere deep within telling us they we are not alone... there is some supreme power right up there to save us.. to help us.. to take care of us.
As it is rightly said: "GOD GIVES THE TOUGHEST BATTLES TO HIS STRONGEST SOLDIERS" so just be yourself.. have faith in yourself and laugh at the confusions of today...!!!