Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Goodbye 2014

Another year ends… Its a goodbye to 2014.
How fast the time flies. If I just think about the end of 2013, I was a completely different person with a completely different state of mind, different thoughts, different priorities, in short a whole Different ME.
Changes happen for good. Nothing is static. We just grow. We just Move on.
2014 gave me a lot to cherish, lot of memories, lot of experiences and yes, I discovered a new Me. If I just down at the memory lane, I may have wet eyes with a smile over my face, my expressions may change very randomly.
Professionally I am more stable. I move out of my comfort zone. Took challenges. Faced failures. Rejoiced Success. 
Personally I grew a lot. I have found a child in Me and also discovered a serious side of me. 

In all, I rejoice 2014. Looking forward to 2015.

Also, Wishing all my readers..

Saturday, 27 December 2014

We learn from failures.. Not from success...!!!

Try.. try.. until you succeed...!!!
We all learn, we are meant to learn and we only learn from failures. Failures act as stepping stones in life. Mistakes we do once teach us hundreds of lessons.
I look around and see lots of people depressed or demotivated by failures. They give up. They don't want to try again. They take their steps and accept failure as their destiny. Its so heart-breaking to give up your dreams and accept something that you never thought of.
Every champion faces challenges. Even stars cant shine without darkness. Our struggles and pain is what makes us cherish the success even more. The spirit of never giving up is what makes us stand out.
Each failure gives us a chance of introspection. We get any opportunity to understand our own self in a better way and making the best use of it.

“Rise and rise again until lambs become lions” 
― Robin Hood

Sunday, 14 December 2014

its just that we become stronger....!!!

Our experiences.. our struggles... our battles... our encounters in life..!!!
As time flies away.. all these things does not make life easier.. its just that we become mature and that is what makes us stronger. The more we move forward in life.. the more determined we become. 
Each of us have our own separate battles to face and we need to fight on our own and all alone. We have certain paths to cover and our destinations are different and so with it our roads also differ. Move on.. conquer new challenges.. overcome your fears.. climb up the mountains.. and there you will emerge with flying colors
I personally believe 
"If life throws lemons at you.. be sure to catch them and make a lemonade...!!"

Saturday, 13 December 2014

My scars make me what I am...!!!

Broken into fragments, tears in eyes, aching heart, a doubt on yourself.. all such emotions and thoughts come hurrying towards us when we end relations and move away from people who played an important role in our life.

People don't stay with us forever and nor do any relations come with a warranty card. But still it becomes hard for us to face broken relations. We get ditched, cheated and have broken hearts and all this take us into a state of trauma. But is this the end? Why after such encounters we detach our self from some feelings. Why do we get scared of falling in love again or why do we stop mingling with people.  Well.. I don't have the answer to this question.

I have often heard and read that we should move on.. The show must go on. Yes, it does goes on.. but it takes time. Recomposing our self to accept some realities takes time. But somewhere in this process we do lose a important part of our self. Losing will not be a appropriate word.. instead I should say in this process we find a part of our self. We know what makes us weak and what makes us strong.

As an individual who has faced these emotions, I feel its a part of growing. All these things makes me think the way I think today. After many heart breaks and ditched and cheated upon many times, I have become an individual with my own set of rules and have my own self-respect. I still do fall in love, still face heart-breaks, still cry out my eyes, still go in low and sad moods, but in the end of it all, I am strong, stronger than I was ever before.
 I walk with my head held high. I have experience of things. I have come out of traumas. I have lived it. I have pain. I have love. I have tears. I have emotions. I have scars and they make me what I am today.