Another year ends… Its a goodbye to 2014.
How fast the time flies. If I just think about the end of 2013, I was a completely different person with a completely different state of mind, different thoughts, different priorities, in short a whole Different ME.
Changes happen for good. Nothing is static. We just grow. We just Move on.
2014 gave me a lot to cherish, lot of memories, lot of experiences and yes, I discovered a new Me. If I just down at the memory lane, I may have wet eyes with a smile over my face, my expressions may change very randomly.
Professionally I am more stable. I move out of my comfort zone. Took challenges. Faced failures. Rejoiced Success.
Personally I grew a lot. I have found a child in Me and also discovered a serious side of me.
In all, I rejoice 2014. Looking forward to 2015.
Also, Wishing all my readers..