Thursday 3 October 2013

My Cup of Coffee...!!!

Felt it...
Smelt it...
Brewed it...
Tasted it...
Cherished it..
yeah… this is My Cup of Coffee

With all the pain and sufferings, I could still brew a cup for myself and my loved ones… My cup of coffee is always there to take me away from the dilemmas of this world. One cup can just make you forget it all. Also, it is scientifically proven that coffee can help to improve nerves and it does in my case.
The aroma of coffee beans that i always carry around, the everlasting thirst of a strong coffee and the satisfaction after having it is always worth living.
Far away in the midst of lush green trees and clouds hovering just over you.. that one cup of coffee can do all the magic.
Start your day with a big mug in one hand.. a good book in the another and feel the warmth of nature. 
Ohh I am all lost in my thoughts... 

How much i wish for My Cup of Coffee…!!!

PS: This one is for all those people who I ever shared a Cup of Coffee...!!!


  1. great conversation wth d loved onces cn lead 2 many swt discoveries about them.n nothing create a bettr mood 4 wndrful cnversation lyk steaming cup of coffee... :) ;) so go ahead n discovr smthng new about ur dyr ones.. :)

    1. As it is very common tagline of a famous coffee shop.. "A Lot Can Happen Over Coffee..!!! "
