Wednesday 15 October 2014

Profession - Joy Or Stress???

The most commonly asked Question “What do you do??” 
Some of us are happy to answer it and some of us answer it but not that happily.
Our profession and career play a vital role in our life. Infact, this is what somewhat becomes our identity. Our social profiles on Facebook and Twitter also contains at least a tagline of our careers leave alone the whole big professional profile on LinkedIn.
Whatever we do in lives for our living is definately important to build as an individual.
But do we chose our career correctly? Are we all happy with our professions or sometimes we do feel that I would have done better in some other. 
Atleast, I do feel this. Being an IT professional, a software developer to be more precise, I do sometimes feel that I would have done better if I would have chosen my career differently.

Recently, I meet someone who asked me “Do you belong to software industry?” I replied “Yes”. But there was something that made my voice a bit unusual. That guy owns a quite well-known designer clothes shop. He was happy and excited when he heard my reply but also showed his discontentment as being a business man he could spare good time for his friends. Soon a discussion started between my group and this guy which was nothing else but each trying to point the cons of their jobs. None of us were speaking of positive things. This made me wonder that do we justify ourselves when we chose our career.

Well, this is just a small incidence but most of face the same situations. We are never content with what we do. But on the other hand, I even have friends who just love their work because it is not only their job but also their hobby and their passion. We can always see the difference when we meet such people. When passion becomes the source of earning it makes us work double hard and also the input at any time is always at its best. 

You happiness some what depends on our professions because we spend nearly more than half day working and if the work is stressful then it surely affects the other time we have with family and friends. We all may not be able to make our passion as career but we can surely spend some time with it. After all, it somehow makes us happy and makes us what we actually are.

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